October 27, 2024

Comic book characters have officially taken over! Every day of the week, TV networks air a new live action drama series dedicated to some of our favorite characters, like The Flash, Supergirl and Arrow. And, every other Friday, it seems a new comic book-based movie is premiering in theaters. The next highly anticipated flick that will be hitting the big screen is the DC Universe Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice—pitting two of the comic book industry’s most iconic characters against one another with hopeful intervention from some of their other well-known fellow Justice Leaguers.

With all this in mind, we at ‘LLERO got to thinking about some of the most notable Latino characters that have appeared on the pages of DC comics throughout the years, and we decided to give you a breakdown of 13 super-chicos and super-chicas who have added their own unique brands of justice to the DC Universe.

Real Name – Paco “Cisco” Ramone

Known to those of you who watch the CW Network’s TV series, The Flash, as Cisco Ramon (played by Carlos Valdes), Vibe’s come-up story in the comics is the polar opposite to that of the fun, geeky lab assistant you have grown to love. Francisco “Paco” Ramone from the comics was actually the leader of a Detroit street gang known as Los Lobos, who after hearing that the Justice League was looking for new members in his hometown, gave up the g-life and joined up with the League. The Boricua superhero’s powers differ slightly from the TV show as well as in different incarnations in the comics. The first Vibe was able to create shock waves that were able to break through concrete and steel—while, the most recent Vibe is able to disrupt the Speed Force, and is the only meta-human who is able to find interdimensional breaches.

DC Comics - VIBE

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