October 27, 2024

I’ve been known to chase a man or two. It began in high school where I crushed on a classmate. We were friends. Good friends. So I set out on a mission: to pursue him so he’d see me as a mujer. Till this day I’ve pursued men much like men pursue women. I break the ice, flirt and ask for their number. I’ve also gone to the extreme. Like a dude on the corner who can’t let go when a woman ignores him, I’ve chased to the point of ridiculousness. Difference is I’ve never shouted, “Why you gotta be like that mami?” as they walk away. Yet, I am not alone in my pursuits, as many women have admitted to pursuing men when single. So guys, do you really want to know the how and why? Here’s what really happens when women chase men.

The Approach

How you approach a man can either impress them or send them diving into the open sea. Mary Molino, an actress from Chicago, is bold, yet slick in her approach. If she sees a man she wants, she won’t grunt, “I want you.” Instead, she asks to take a picture of him. Once the flash goes off, she asks, “What’s your number so I can text it to you?” If he takes the picture, she’ll tell him to text it to her. It’s an easy and shrewd way to get the digits.

Supriya, a jewelry designer from Malibu, has a more straightforward approach. “Years ago, I wrote down my number and told him, ‘this is for you to call me and take me to the restaurant we were talking about.’” Being direct, without making a man read between the lines, is sometimes the best approach.

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About The Author

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Sujeiry Gonzalez is a vibrant writer, author and on-air talent that tells it like it is -- with just a little more sass and a ton of laughs. Coined the ‘Latina Carrie Bradshaw,’ she is the host of “The Sweet Spot with Sujeiry” on ChicRebellion TV. She’s rocked the relationship market since 2006, sharing her pearls of wisdom with CNN Latino, Cosmopolitan for Latinas, Latina Magazine, and more. Author of Love Trips: A Collection of Relationship Stumbles, the 2013 Love Guru on Exitos 93.9FM owns LoveSujeiry Magazine – a community for women to dish on love, dating, sex and The Power of Self-First.

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