February 10, 2025
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Are you ready to move your career forward? Maybe you want more status, more power, more money? Perhaps it is all of these things. Whatever your end goal, pursuing a career rather than merely working in any job can be incredibly rewarding. Working your way up the career ladder is a great way to stay motivated. Give more purpose to what you do each day. Having a career goal in mind is useful so that you can track your progress along the way. Nothing feels better than finally reaching the position that you have been working towards for years.

The problem with pursuing a career and having your heart set on achieving a specific position is that it can take a long time to get to where you want to be. Especially for professionals of color. The proverbial glass ceiling is ever present and ominous. Seeing colleagues getting promoted ahead of you when you are working as hard as you can, is incredibly frustrating. Every career suffers setbacks from time to time. The most important thing to do is to keep moving forward and stay focused on what you want to achieve. Try not to get disheartened when things don’t go to plan, instead think about what you can do to get back on track. 

If you are getting impatient with waiting for your career to blossom. Then why not give some of these tips a try to help you move things forward faster? Whatever industry that you work in, whether you are a teacher or an engineer, these tips should help your career progress and get you to where you want to be much faster.


Professional Training

If you work in an industry that recognizes professional qualifications, why not try to achieve some of these yourself? Working towards professional qualifications demonstrates that you are committed to your profession, and are willing to put in the time and effort to progress your skills and knowledge.

Take a look at the recognized qualifications that your industry offers to ensure that you have the latest knowledge related to your field. You can give yourself a headstart on achieving these qualifications by using At Home Prep, which allows you to study at your own pace and take the courses online.


Keep Learning

In addition to achieving professional certification, it is also essential to keep developing your knowledge. Why? So that you are always up to date with the latest developments in your industry. You can keep your knowledge fresh by reading specialist industry journals and publications. As well as taking continuing professional development courses. 

With the latest knowledge, you will be able to make innovative suggestions to progress the business and impress your superiors with your insightful contributions. 

Boosting your qualifications is also an excellent way to help yourself stand out when applying for promotions. Having extra relevant qualifications will not only arm you with increased knowledge for answering interview questions. It will also give you an edge over your fellow candidates.


Find a Mentor

Does your company have a mentoring scheme? If it does, this is well worth getting involved in. If there isn’t a mentoring scheme in place right now, you could seek out your own mentor. It is a good idea to discuss this with your manager. Having a mentor is beneficial in many ways, as you will benefit from the experience and knowledge of a senior member of your organization. You will also be able to gain useful feedback to improve your performance and raise your profile in the company. Your mentor may also put your forward for opportunities that they feel would suit your skillset. 


Start Networking

Making contacts within your industry is a useful thing to do. It can open up many career opportunities. Networking is the best way to make industry contacts. You could network by attending specially organized networking events. Alternatively, you could make contacts at industry conferences and trade fairs. However, you meet your contacts, it is a great way to get your name out there and meet people that could benefit your career in the future.


The Importance of Attitude

Your attitude at work is incredibly important in all situations, especially if you want to advance your career. Having a can-do attitude at work is vital. It will ensure that you are perceived positively by both management and your colleagues.

Being prepared to work hard both as part of a team and as an individual will raise your profile within the company, and demonstrate that you are a valuable part of the organization, with many skills to offer.

These are just a few of the tips you can incorporate into your routine, if and when you find your career stalled. Yet, perhaps the most important! If your chosen goal is truly to move your career forward. Never give up trying.

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