January 23, 2025

McLaren MP4-12C

The McLaren is definitely a head turner, it had more groupies around it than a Justin Beiber concert. Other than the pimp my ride color, the car makes use of Formula 1-sourced technologies such as “brake steer,” where the inside rear wheel is braked during fast cornering to reduce understeer.

McLaren Yellow car-2

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About The Author

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Victor rounds out the core team of ‘LLERO, he is a co-founder and Editor-in-Chief. Working with journalists and content creators to find the most interesting and newsworthy stories. A freelance sports and film writer at heart. In his spare time Victor follows all things boxing, basketball, movies and television. When not tapping the keys of his laptop he can be found checking out all kinds of mainstream and indie cinema alike. Or as his friends aptly describe "Vic, you like all that weird indie sh*!t"." Guilty as charged.

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