February 22, 2025
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We’re living through a moment of history. A moment which will long be remembered, and will likely have far-reaching effects on the way we live our lives long after the year is over. Some of us have even lost friends or family to the virus, or experienced it ourselves. The illness is indiscriminate, taking the old and the young, the rich and the poor alike. Even those of us lucky enough to have avoided exposure to the virus itself will certainly have been affected psychologically and emotionally by its effects on the global population and the lockdown it has necessitated. If we’re to make it through this with our health and sanity intact, it’s important to remember a few things…


It’s Okay to Break Down From Time to Time

As men, we often feel as though we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. But this is particularly true for Latino men. Many men from Latino families are raised to believe in a certain sense of machismo. While this is far from the kind of toxic masculinity described by social commentators, many Latino men pride themselves on their ability to provide for and protect their families. Yet many of us are without work, and struggling to protect our families from a threat that we cannot see.

As such, it’s perfectly okay to acknowledge your feelings of frustration. You need to remind yourself that you’re doing the best job you possibly can under impossible circumstances. In short, learn to cut yourself a little slack! 


Don’t Beat Yourself Up, If You’re Less than 100% Productive

If you’re working from home, you’re likely one of many grappling with the problem of productivity. But it’s okay not to be 100% productive in this incredibly difficult time. It’s okay to be distracted, to have lapses in concentration or to feel frustrated. You have to keep your expectations of yourself realistic. And so should your employer!


It’s Okay to Indulge Your Vices

We’re always hearing about how great it is that people are spending more time in the kitchen, cooking their meals from scratch. Or about how people are actually working out more despite a lack of access to the gym. Our state of isolation has made our vices less convenient, and as such we’re indulging in them much less. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself every once in a while. Whether your vice of choice is treating yourself to some shatter or a bacon double cheeseburger. A little carefully managed indulgence can go a long way. It can give you something to look forward to and make life under lockdown feel more like life and less like a penance for a crime you haven’t committed. 


Your Health is Really Important

Finally, it’s safe to say that your health has never been more important. But while diet and exercise are two pillars of your overall wellbeing, that doesn’t mean that they’re the be all and end all. During this lockdown make sure you don’t overlook other important aspects of your health like your digestive health, dental hygiene and sleeping patterns.

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