October 27, 2024
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ome people like to plan ahead for how the cold, dry weather will affect their skin. Some people like to plan ahead to try and avoid weight gain, thanks to all that yummy food that’s served over Christmas. No matter your plans for wellness in the winter, it’s undeniable that you’ll need a new, personalized self care routine to match! 

But seeing as the winter can affect us all differently, where do you start? Well, think about what the cold weather usually does to you. Does it dry you out? Make you tired? Make you feel super hungry, or a little bit in the blues? Once you’ve assessed the symptom, you can address the cause. 

So, here are some of the best things to try out if any of the above apply to you. Winter can be a super fun time of year, but it’s also long been a hard time of year to cope. If you want this year to be different, you might have to do a few things differently! 

Wrap Up Warm

Winter is the time for wrapping up warm and keeping the cold away, but for more reasons than just the physical. The cold can have an effect on your mental health as well. Even when you love the winter and/or festive season, it’s human to experience negative feelings. 

Because it’s not just the creeping dark that makes you feel off kilter. It’s the cold that comes with it. When the temperature is dropping, you’re more likely to experience anxious feelings, and a sense of low mood. So bundle up as much as you can. Keep your face protected against any biting winds. Also use warming exercises when you’re outside for long periods. 

Swap Out Your Beauty Products

The winter tends to have drier air. Meaning the moisture in your skin might be wicked away as soon as you step out of the door. That means your skin care routing may require more moisturizing than normal. As you’ll want to replace that moisture as quickly as possible. 

Otherwise you might need to head out and buy the best products for treating scaly and flaky skin, which is a tough skin type to budge when it’s cold outside. Prevention is always the best course of action. There are plenty of ways to protect your skin from the dehumidifying effect of winter air. Start by hydrating from the inside out and then tap into creams, serums, and toners. 

See if You’re Entitled to a Vaccine

Some people are entitled to a free flu vaccine at this time of year. If you’re one of them, make sure you get it done! You’ll be far better protected against the bugs and germs that are going round. Bugs are often exacerbated by the cold weather. If you’re someone who usually gets sniffles at this time of year, and it takes a little while to shake, look into this option pronto!

Even if you’re not entitled to a free vaccine, you could still get one done privately. If you’ve got health insurance, you could even get one done for free as part of the plan. All you need to do is find a provider near you and then book yourself in. 

Exercise More

It can be hard to sleep during the winter. The dark drawing in early can knock your circadian rhythm out of whack. Meaning you don’t quite feel rested again until the spring brings the early light. That’s why exercising a little more often is worth the sweat it generates! 

If you make yourself tired, at a time when you might struggle to sleep, you’re far more likely to maintain your usual sleep cycle. So, if you usually hit the hay around 10pm. Then try to fit another half hour of exercise in around 2 to 3 hours before. 

You don’t want to exercise too soon, as it could wake you up and make it even harder to sleep. Even some stretching and a bit of gentle yoga can help you relax and soothe you into closing your eyes. Give various workouts a try and see how they perform for you. 

Don’t Be Afraid of Festive Snacks!

You’re allowed to indulge in those fatty, sugary foods over the festive season. It’s all a part of the celebration! And you’d regret not eating them more than you would regret having a few bites here and there. 

After all, everything in moderation. As long as you’re not smashing down a bottle of mom’s coquet one sitting, you’re going to be just fine! You won’t be putting on much weight, and if you’re already exercising a little more often to help yourself sleep. You’ll be shedding those calories long before you even consume them. 

Wake Early for a Walk

If you get up early, you have much more time with the sun. If you’ve got a busy day ahead, getting up an hour earlier could make all the difference to your mood over the long term. More sun exposure means more vitamin D production in your body. This means you feel stronger, brighter, and a lot less like the winter is getting you down! 

Walking is easy exercise that is good for anyone. Whether you want to hike up a hill or take a gentle stroll through a nearby park. It’s the best way to spend some time in the winter sun. 10 to 20 minutes every other day is a pretty good prescription. But spending time outside whenever you’ve got the chance to do it will also work out well for you. 

Reach Out to Friends & Family

Winter can be a lonely time for a lot of people. Even with all the parties and dinners going on, it’s easy to feel exhausted and left out. After all, people go out less when it’s cold and dark outside, and you might not hear from a friend for much longer than usual. 

Let them know you’re thinking of them in a seasonal way. Whether that’s sending a Christmas card or dropping off food, do something special to celebrate with them, no matter how small. 

Don’t Go Overboard on Presents

Money worries during the festive season can be incredibly damaging. You want to get everyone you love a great gift. In many families and social circles, it’s expected that you spend well to please people. 

However, if you’re already struggling with your finances and you now have gift giving to factor into the budget, remember this one thing. It’s OK to get something small. 

Alongside this, it’s also good to only buy presents for those you truly hold dear. If you’re expected to buy presents for the office as well, just hand out cards instead. At the end of the day, these are your finances, and you’re allowed to protect them as you see fit. 

If You Experience SAD, Talk to Your Doctor

SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, affects around 3% of all people across the globe. Its prevalence is higher in those who have a history with mental health. Yet its symptoms are still a very common occurrence worldwide. 

As such, it’s likely that you as well will be at the mercy of SAD during this upcoming season. If you find yourself struggling. And access to increased daylight isn’t doing anything, talk to your doctor. They may be able to prescribe something more effective for your personal case. 

Resolutions Should Help, Not Hurt

If you want to make one for this upcoming new year, make sure it’s a helpful goal, rather than one that just piles on the pressure. You need to work towards something you’re capable of, even if it’s a bit challenging. And that means you need an actionable goal that’ll support you as you go. So rather than just come up with one big objective, set a few little ones that work towards it. 

Tick them off as you go and watch your progress happen in real time. A good new year’s resolution makes you feel good, rather than guilty. Then you’re unlikely to fall short of your ultimate goal before you reach it. And seeing as most people push themselves to accomplish a resolution within the first 2 weeks. Give yourself a good 6 months to make it happen as well! 

A Winter Self Care Routine That’s Good for You!

Taking care of yourself in the winter period takes a bit more time and energy. However, it doesn’t need to be an impossible task to try out! Get your rest, make sure you keep in touch with your loved ones, have a snack when you want one, and exercise a little more regularly. If you’re someone who experiences seasonal affective disorder, talk to your doctor as soon as you notice the symptoms becoming unmanageable. 

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