October 27, 2024

CBD sometimes referred to as cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike its sister cannabinoid, THC, CBD doesn’t cause any high effect and when isolated from the rest of the plant can be sold as a legal extract in most parts of the world. CBD has grown dramatically in popularity in recent years and is now seen by many as a healthy food supplement.

What are the health benefits of CBD?

It has been found to have a variety of therapeutic properties which explain the sudden boom in these products and ethos extracts available both in stores and online. Some of the health benefits of CBD include: 

  • Reducing feelings of anxiety
    CBD, when isolated from THC, has been found to be effective at fighting anxiety disorders including General Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Panic Disorder. THC, on the other hand, can increase symptoms of anxiety.

  • Helping to control epilepsy
    Chemicals within it have been found to help control epileptic seizures. In one study involving epileptic children, 80% of parents reported a reduction in the frequency of their child’s seizures whilst using the extract. 

  • Can help diabetics and patients with high cholesterol
    CBD can help to stabilise blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. The additive is also sugar-free and has a low carbohydrate content making it a safe food supplement for diabetics to use.  It also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which can help lower cholesterol.

  • It is an anti-inflammatory
    This compound is also an effective anti-inflammatory and can help those dealing with inflammation related pain disorders such as chronic pain.

  • It can promote appetite
    CBD has been found to be very effective at promoting appetite as well as reducing sickness, making it a useful supplement for those who are undergoing chemotherapy. CBD can also help with digestion. 

  • It can help to give you more energy
    Cannabinoid chemicals that have been discovered in CBD are known for enhancing energy levels, they do this by exciting each body cell individually.

  • It can help people with Alzheimer’s
    CBD has been found to stop people suffering from Alzheimer’s from forgetting peoples faces which is a common early-stage symptom of the disease.

Are there any negatives associated?

Studies have shown that doses of CBD up to 1500mg a day have little to no adverse effects on the body although some people report a feeling or a dry mouth after taking CBD. But it is important to note that some people may experience an adverse reaction if they are already taking other medication and so it is advisable to speak with a doctor before self-administering it. 

How do people take CBD?

There are a number of ways in which people can take CBD. The most common way that people take it is as an oil, this oil can also be infused into creams for muscle soreness, food or taken directly under the tongue. Other people prefer to inhale it through a vaporiser and in countries or states where cannabis is legal, it can be smoked or ingested as a part of the whole cannabis plant. 

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