October 27, 2024

Working the 9-5 daily grind isn’t for everyone. Holding down a job is part and parcel of being an adult, but that doesn’t always mean you should feel stuck in a job or profession that isn’t quite right for you.  Before the online world became a viable place to earn a living, you were restricted somewhat as to what career to follow when the time to get a job came. These days new and exciting ways to earn a living are available to every single one of us enabling us to find the job of our dreams.

Maybe you are still figuring out exactly what it is you want to do with your life. Perhaps you are looking for a new way to not only earn a living but also incorporate your passion too. Whatever your reason for wanting to change your path and prepare for the future, there are many jobs you can do that can indulge your passions and also help you to earn a living doing something you love.

If that passion is for travel, there are a whole host of different jobs and ways to earn a living without interrupting your journey or extended holiday. You don’t even need qualifications to start earning money while on your travels and in most cases it is really easy to get started and fund your way around the world.

Whether you have qualifications or you are learning as you go, there is no limit to following your dreams and turning your passion for travel into a career if you want it enough. Sure, it may not come easy but the more you put into it the more you get out as they say. Regardless if you work for an employer or choose to become self-employed, you have the option to pursue your goals and create the perfect travel career for you. Below are a few options to consider.

Travel Agent

As we mentioned, there are so many ways you can earn a living from travel. One well known ways is becoming a travel agent. You can choose to do this by joining an established company and working with their existing customer base to help consumers find their perfect holiday. Or you can work online, for yourself or as an employee, exploring new avenues to bring people the holiday they dream of.

To become a travel agent, you don’t need any formal qualifications to start off, just the desire and passion to want to explore and, in turn, help others explore the world around us. For this reason, choosing to build your career around your passion for traveling can be one of the most rewarding jobs. You never know, you may find somewhere new to explore yourself!


But you don’t just have to become a travel agent to follow your wanderlust around the world. These days, more and more people are turning to freelance work online to help them explore the world and travel to their heart’s content. You can choose to start a blog or become a travel writer. Shareing your journey with others around the world is one of the best ways to create an income and build a career while traveling the globe.

It is a good idea to make sure you have made connections and have money to fall back on so as not to interrupt your time spent traveling. This gives you a good base to start from and eases any worries regarding finances. All you need is a passion for writing and a good laptop and internet connection.

But you don’t just have to write about traveling. Freelance writing gives you the opportunity to write for a variety of publications or companies. you don’t have to limit yourself. This means you can expand your earning potential to help keep money coming in as you continue globetrotting.


This isn’t for everyone but creating content and sharing it across social media, with particular attention to Instagram, can lead you on your way to becoming an influencer. While the role of influencer is still relatively new, it is a burgeoning market for both creators and the marketing industry.

Brands pay to work with and collaborate on many different things meaning you are able to explore pastures new, while earning enough money to fund your next trip or adventure by partnering with various companies from hotel chains to tourist attractions, clothing companies and more.

The sky literally is the limit but with an ever-increasing competitive market, you need something fresh and unique to make your voice stand out from the crowd. If you think you have what it takes to become a travel influencer, all you need to keep working and creating content at home or away, is a good mobile phone and laptop, a decent wifi connection and you could be on your way to becoming the next big travel influencer.


If you are bilingual or have teaching qualifications, then this could be the perfect way for you to use your expertise to create a lucrative career while still traveling. There are plenty of jobs available either on a one to one basis in a classroom environment or via an online class. As remote teaching via apps and online programs continues to expand, so does the opportunity to create a viable source of income from teaching.

The market for teaching English as a second language is one of most sought after areas for teachers. In most cases, you will need the appropriate qualifications to be able to turn this into a lucrative career. Justa few hours a day or per week can be enough to keep your dream alive of seeing as much of the world as possible.

Cruise Ship

Now, this may not sound as glamorous as the other options mentioned however it shouldn’t be dismissed altogether. Not only do you get to travel the world and get paid for it, but you also get to explore when the ship docks too. It may not be how you imagined you would travel the world, but depending on the cruise ship and it’s itinerary you will get to visit places you may not have otherwise visited.

With a range of different jobs onboard, there is the possibility of many different positions to apply for as you start your new journey and life at sea. So make sure your work permits and passports are up to date and you could be setting sail before you know it.

Work for Accommodation

As with working on a cruise ship, this isn’t the most glamorous of options but it gives the chance to find room and board for free while you work. The type of jobs involved varies from place to place with benefits in exchange for your services. You could be asked to perform light duties in a hostel in exchange for board or you could find yourself working on an agricultural farm on a basis agreed with the employer.

This is definitely a go-to option for those looking for work to be able to extend their stay before traveling home or for people short on funds. There are many different options available for people wanting to take up this kind of offer. Do your homework first and stick to reputable companies with good standing to ensure all parties are aware of what is expected of them and people are kept safe.

While this isn’t something you can turn into a career, should you decide to stay longer at your destination, the work experience will give you a foot on the employment ladder when the time comes for you to look for work.

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