October 27, 2024
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Be honest, now. Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Have you been putting enough effort into your relationship? It’s okay to admit it if you haven’t. You are far from alone. In fact, if we’re honest with ourselves most of us don’t put enough effort into the most important relationship there is. No, not your relationship with your wife or girlfriend. Not with your buddies. Not with your family. Not even your kids. We’re talking about the relationship you have with yourself. Do you even like yourself? 

We tend to think of self-love as vanity. But that’s not only inaccurate, it’s really unfair. Self-love isn’t vanity, arrogance or even self-confidence. It’s the ability to accept yourself on your own terms and be prepared to work on the things that make you less than happy about yourself. You’d make the effort for your kids, or for your partner. Why not make it for you? Whether you’re married, dating or single, this Valentine’s Day you should try working on your relationship with yourself…


Remember What You Like About Yourself

In an era where we’re dazzled with images of airbrushed perfection from all sized, it’s not just the ladies who are made to feel inadequate, the same goes for guys too. If you don’t have a rippling 6 pack, a perfectly full head of hair or a preposterously high paying job, that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing about you that’s appealing.

Take the time to remind yourself what you like about you. It can be physical attributes, or personal attributes. Whether you feel that your eyes really pop when you wear a blue shirt or you’re proud to be fiercely loyal to your friends. Take the time to make a list of the things you like, even if you never actually write in down.  


Identify What Your Not Happy With & Work on a Plan of Action

Getting concerned about those love handles? Worried your skin isn’t as young as it used to be? Feel that your hair could be a little thicker and more lustrous. There’s always something you can do about it. From getting up a little earlier to hit the gym to changing your shampoo and making better food choices, there are always plans you can put in place to change the things you don’t like about yourself. Stop hating them, and start doing something about it.

You can never be perfect. But you can always be the best version of yourself you can be.


Re-engage with Interests that Make You Feel Whole

Whether it’s a sport, boxing, martial arts, singing, dancing or missing music we all have hobbies that make us feel good about ourselves and make us feel whole. The trouble comes when we struggle to find time for them in an era where we’re all working so hard for so many hours. But if you can’t find the time, you’re going to have to make it. Treat yourself to some new gear whether that’s a pair of headphones for mixing- check out this akg k240 review at MusicAuthority.org, or a new pair of football boots. New kit can be a great incentive to get you back in the saddle. Re-engaging with your passions can help to remind you who you are while also surrounding you with like minded people who make you feel good about yourself. 

So perhaps this Valentine’s Day, rather than focus on someone else – focus on you!

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