December 19, 2024

With flesh on her mind, Words as weapons
Sharper than knives, makes you wonder how the other half die. – INXS

Those words are nothing but true for this new episode. So, let’s get into this episode “The Devil Inside.”

Best Dad Ever

As Teresi is visited by the “Injustice Twins” Sax and Mak, he finally must spill the beans about Tommy being his son to Connie. After getting the best Italian-mom-pimp-smack ever, she forgives him for cheating on her. That forgiveness didn’t come without a heavy side of guilt though, reminding him that Tommy will be the only family left after she dies… so does he really want to put him behind bars? Later we get a great father and son time with Tommy and Teresi with guest star Uncle Sammy. The best way for sociopaths to spend time together? By committing murder of course! The group kills a C.O. with a power drill for short changing them on their recent pick-up. There really is nothing like father and son hobbies! After all that, there is nothing better than to have a family dinner with your dying stepmother only to have it interrupted by your coked up biological mother. Now we know where Tommy gets his temper from. Famil-gotta love them!!!

What is Love?

So, we have Tasha going to Silver’s apartment. There she asked him to lie for her by finally telling him that it was Tariq that killed Jones, not Ghost. Also, at this time, Ghost and Angela are rekindling their relationship. This can lead to only one thing…sex montage!!!!

Later in the episode, we see Ghost concerned that Silver won’t go to bat for Tasha. He approaches him and makes a veiled threat about what could happen if he doesn’t come through for her. Well that backfires, cause Silver leaves town. Tasha goes to his apartment only to find it empty of everything except for the legal motion that he filed with Tasha’s name on it. Well, that’s a new way of breaking up if I ever it…

In the Halls of Injustice

As Sax and Mak continue to build their case against Angela they get closer after finding out that she buried the ballistics report of Tasha’s gun. Donovan decided to throw Angela a bone and warned her that she “has no friends” in the office and that she is on her own. Angela knows she has to make some moves to save herself. After lunch with her former Boo thang Tampio, Angela gets a surprise visit from Tommy who’s there to talk about the Jimenez’s and why they were released form the raid. In that moment Angela figures out that Tommy is working for another distro. Angela is still trying to figure out how to get Sax and Mak off her back, and in a very Pennywise moment Tommy pops-up from the back seat of her car. Angela is very close to asking Tommy to get rid of Mak for her but backs away from it. This is where Tommy says to her that “She has the devil inside.” I guess Ghost is rubbing off on her, and not in a good way.

Double Kriss-Cross

After their meeting with Jason, Ghost convinces Kanan to do the hit on Diego Jimenez for him. Kanan agrees but after meeting up with 2-Bit, he finds out about the deal Ghost and Dre have to kill each other’s respective connects. But Kanan being Kanan…well you know you can’t trust him. Kanan gets the drop on Diego at Dre’s underground club taking him out before he could get that final kink in. So here is where the doublecross comes in. Kanan takes Diego’s head to Jason to show him how he handled business without Tommy or Ghost. On top of that, Kanan warns Jason of the impending hit on him and that it’s coming in a few minutes. Kanan is now not only screwing Ghost but also looking to oust Tommy and take over his organization. We’ve said it once, we’ve said it twice….don’t trust Kanan!!!

Only three episodes left and the dominoes keep falling. The lines of who’s good or bad are getting blurred and keep getting blurrier. Come back next week to find out who else is getting trapped in this web of lies and deception.

About The Author

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D. Douglass is a self-proclaimed underground artist / foodie-chef / smart-ass / and pop-culture aficionado. Mr. Douglass is a graduate of F.I.T in N.Y.C ,where he studied subjects like "Ramen noodles 101", ..Personal saying is “Life is about taking nothing and creating your own….basically being your own person…an original. And if you can't be an original..copy from the best...just don't get caught ...cause a bat to the face hurts!!!"

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