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The media often shines a spotlight on female body image. Yet research suggests that low body confidence is increasingly common among men. Up to 40% of men have anxiety about their body weight and over 80% worry about muscularity, according to a US study published in the journal, Body Image. In this guide, we’ll discuss effective strategies to improve body image and help you feel more confident.

Tread Carefully On Social Media

Social media can have an incredibly positive impact on body image. Especially in the age of body positivity, but it can also be damaging. Around 65% of men compare themselves to images they see on social media. Social media tends to highlight bodies viewed by society as ‘perfect.’ Images feature muscular, lean, defined physiques, which don’t reflect the average male body. It’s also common to find filtered, edited and enhanced photos. If you use social media, it’s essential to tread carefully. Review the accounts you follow, limit screen time and avoid viewing content that makes you feel uncomfortable or inadequate. Remember that social posts don’t always reflect real life. Follow accounts or individuals who inspire or motivate you.

Focus on your Favorite Parts

We all have hang-ups and we tend to zone in on them much more than the parts or features we love. Often, we obsess about imperfections that other people may not even notice. Or perhaps we criticize aspects of our appearance that other people love. Rather than looking for flaws in every selfie or spending time in the mirror analyzing what’s wrong with your body, try to focus on your favorite parts. Nobody is perfect, despite what you see on social media or in glossy magazine campaigns.

Be Proactive in Tackling Insecurities

Embracing your imperfections and insecurities is much easier said than done. In many cases, it’s not possible to change your mindset or the way you feel without taking action to tackle your insecurities. This may mean losing or gaining weight if you’re insecure about being too big or small. Building muscle if you want to be more defined, or even undergoing cosmetic treatment, such as liposuction for men. Think about the problems you have when you look at yourself and identify solutions. Being kinder to yourself is beneficial. But if you’ve gained a lot of weight and you feel happier when you’re leaner, for example, it’s likely you’ll have more confidence if you lose a bit of weight. Eating healthily, doing regular exercise and following tailored training and nutrition tips can help. If you choose to go down the route of cosmetic treatments or surgical procedures, always ensure you conduct thorough research.

Look After Your Body

Many people experience poor body image as a result of neglecting their health and well-being due to stress, trauma, life events and changes, busy schedules or illness. Looking after your body can make a huge difference to your confidence and self-esteem. Try to focus on key areas, including your diet, exercise routine and sleep. Adopt a sleep routine, which allows you time to rest and recover, embrace an active lifestyle, and follow a healthy, nutritious eating plan. You don’t have to overhaul your lifestyle overnight. Minor changes can impact how you feel instantly. If you’re new to exercise, for example, start by walking more, doing beginner’s classes or doing an introductory session with a personal trainer. If you’re eager to improve your diet, use a food diary app to monitor your daily menu and access nutritional information. Your daily summary will highlight strengths and weaknesses. You may need to decrease your sugar intake or eat more foods that contain fiber or iron, for example.

Manage Your Expectations

There’s a lot of pressure to look a certain way and fit into a mold today. In reality, very few people fit in with society’s beauty ideals, but it’s difficult to accept and acknowledge this. It’s beneficial to set targets that could help you feel more confident, but it’s crucial to manage your expectations and be realistic. Genetics plays an integral role in your appearance. If you’re naturally very lean or slim, or you gain weight very easily, it may not be realistic to set goals such as gaining a huge amount of muscle quickly or reaching a low goal weight. If you’re short, you’re never going to be the same height as a male model, but that doesn’t mean you’re not attractive. Accept your body for what it is, focus on what it can do rather than what it looks like and consider all the non-aesthetic strengths you possess. Who we are as people boils down to much more than our looks.

Research shows that poor body image is increasingly common among men. Building confidence can be difficult, but there are ways to enhance body image, including moderating your use of social media, focusing on your favorite features and body parts and being proactive in tackling insecurities. It’s also beneficial to manage your expectations and take good care of your body. 

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