February 5, 2025

You’ve probably heard it from your ex-girlfriends, female BFFs and maybe even mami. Communication is key especially when approaching a fine lady. From the very first “hello,” women desire men who can articulate their feelings without shaky hands, uncomfortable grunts or sexist remarks. Why is this so important? Because a first impression is everything.

At first glance, a woman may be sipping on a margarita. In reality, she’s mentally jotting down your every word. She listens to your tone, even when seemingly unaffected. As you verbally expose yourself, she scrolls through her list of likes. A great communicator is at the top of that list.

Unfortunately, first conversation mistakes happen often, leaving men dateless, sulking in corners as they ponder, “Where did I go wrong?!” I’ll tell you where you went wrong in this very article. So let’s begin, shall we?

Coming On Too Strong

You see a girl at a bar, or squeezing melons in the fruit aisle of a grocery store, and rush in. Within seconds, you’ve asked for her name, her number and zodiac sign. You even offer to pay for her…divorce? This happened to Rosanna Rodriguez, a high school teacher from New York City, one night at a bar. She sipped her drink while waiting for a friend when an older man approached her. Spotting her wedding ring, he leered, “Your husband shouldn’t leave a pretty girl like you unattended.” Our happily married wife simply rolled her eyes, but he went further by saying “Divorce is expensive, but I’ll help you out.” Safe to say, it was an offer she quickly refused.

That is down right pushy! And pushy never gets the girl.

If you do come on too strong, there is a way to salvage the situation. Apologize and stop your interrogation. She may lighten up and accept your apology. That’s your cue to stop trying so hard and dazzle her with your personality.

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About The Author

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Sujeiry Gonzalez is a vibrant writer, author and on-air talent that tells it like it is -- with just a little more sass and a ton of laughs. Coined the ‘Latina Carrie Bradshaw,’ she is the host of “The Sweet Spot with Sujeiry” on ChicRebellion TV. She’s rocked the relationship market since 2006, sharing her pearls of wisdom with CNN Latino, Cosmopolitan for Latinas, Latina Magazine, and more. Author of Love Trips: A Collection of Relationship Stumbles, the 2013 Love Guru on Exitos 93.9FM owns LoveSujeiry Magazine – a community for women to dish on love, dating, sex and The Power of Self-First.

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