February 5, 2025

‘LL: Where and when is this app available?
EVN: It is available on iPhone and Android as of November 18, 2013. Information created on an iPhone can be viewed on an Android, so even if you have two phones one of each the information is accessible on both platforms.

‘LL: What was the inspiration behind creating the app?
EVN: The inspiration hit [fellow co-founder] Luis González when he was in a business meeting, he had a big presentation and when it was over he realized he forgot his business cards. He thought, if only I had the card digitally I could pass it around on my phone.

‘LL: How was the app created?
EVN: It was actually a collaboration between four people: Luis González, myself, Roberto Soto and Christian González, we are four co-creators of the application. We each have different roles and responsibilities within the creation of the application. Luis is in the insurance industry, so he came up with the idea when he would go to meetings and forget his business cards over and over. He thought it would be so much easier if he had his business card in a digital format to access and share. So, he came to us with this idea. Christian González is the programmer; he is basically the brain behind everything in the application. Roberto is the lawyer so he makes sure everything is done correctly so we can set up our corporation for Cardboard.

‘LL: How long did it take to develop the app?
EVN: We started thinking about it in December of 2012 and then started hardcore developing it in February of this year. We did a soft launch in June just to test it out and get feedback from people. Then in November we did the big grand launch of the complete application incorporating all the feedback.

CardBoard App - Working Shot

‘LL: What are some things you changed from the feedback received?
EVN: We changed some aspects of the design; we adapted a design for the new IOS7. We made more readable fonts, increased the font size. Also, we simplified the design so it moved faster for the user. Also we changed the navigation a little. Also, added the option to upload your own design as a background to use instead of one of the templates included.

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About The Author

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Navani Otero is a New York City based multi-media journalist. Her work has been published in The New York Post, Latina, XXL Magazine, In Touch Weekly, msnNOW and MTV News. The self-professed music junkie splits her free time helping out on The Heavy Hitters Radio Show on SiriusXM and mentoring aspiring teen writers. You can read her observations on life at www.navaniknows.com.

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