October 18, 2024
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Last week, UnidosUS, the nation’s largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization, and Mi Familia Vota, a national civic engagement organization, released the results of a major national poll of Latino voters. The results may surprise you. As they show a big shift in some of the top issues that are concerning Latino voters!

Not So Surprising

Inflation & Jobs

First the not so surprising. Inflation and jobs are the #1 and #3 priorities, findings that track with long-standing Latino concerns about the economy. Whereas health care came in as the fourth priority. 


Also, not a surprise and on track with the remainder of the nation is crime. Crime and gun violence rose to #2.  Driven by concerns about easy access to guns and school shootings.  


The Surprising


For the first time, abortion is among the top five issues. More than 70 percent of Latino voters believe abortion should remain legal. No matter their own personal beliefs on the issue. 


Immigration has traditionally been one of the top concerns among Latino voters. Under the survey it did not crack the top five. While immigration is not among the top five issues, Latino voters believe strongly that leaders in Washington should provide a path to citizenship, or in the absence of Congressional action, the president should take executive action. 



Many Latino voters (60 percent) believe the country is on the wrong track. At the moment, 59 percent of Latino voters nationally say they are 100 percent certain they will vote in November. 

Of the survey and its results, Clarissa Martínez De Castro, Vice President, UnidosUS Latino Vote Initiative said “Latino voters are not apathetic, they are unconvinced. They are sending a wake-up call to both parties, which remain underwater compared to previous peaks in Hispanic support and persist in their chronic under-engagement and under-investment in these voters.

As the second largest group of voting-age Americans, with many not yet solidly aligned with either party, Hispanic voters can be a stabilizing force in American politics. They reject extremes, oppose taking away rights—as illustrated by their views on abortion—and want to see progress on challenges facing our country and elected officials willing to work together to get things done.”

About the Survey 

The survey was released as part of a multi-state, multi-year partnership between UnidosUS and Mi Familia Vota, which together represents the most powerful Latino civic engagement and democracy operation in the country.

  • Total N=2,750 Latino eligible voters 
    • N=2,540 registered voters 
    • N=210 eligible, but not registered voters 
    • Margin of error +/- 1.9% 
  • Field dates: July 20 – August 1, 2022 
  • English or Spanish, according to preference 
  • Mixed mode: 75% online, 25% live telephone interviews.

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