
3 Ways To Look After Your Body This Month

As the colder and darker days descend and the holiday season commences, this can be a challenging month to focus on taking care of yourself. With parranda invites, coquito tastings and everyone's year end rush at work. Well, good habits can slip and winter ger...

How to Improve Your Health in 2020

If you already had your fill of tamales, pasteles and coquito. And your planning your post-holiday fitness routine, then you’re not alone. With the abundance of holiday food on the horizon, you might be already planning on how you’re going to improve your gene...

5 Ways To Make Exercise More Fun

Some of us have a bit of a love-hate relationship with exercise, and for those on the hate side of the scale- it can seem like a bit of a chore. As 2019 comes to a close many of you out there will start thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions. A lot of us s...

Four Ways To Stop Feeling Run Down

We all get worn out sometimes in life, and it can often be caused by a number of things. Feeling run down is sometimes something that can’t be helped. Yet, there’s probably a reason why you feel this way. Here are four ways to stop feeling run down. Get More S...

3 Effective Ways To Reduce Pain From Migraines

Most people that have never experienced a migraine underestimate how painful it can be. They think of it like a really bad headache, but it’s so much more than that. They can hit at any time and as well as severe pain in the head, you may experience symptoms l...

Beginners Guide To Healthy Living

By Charles Watley, Healthy living incorporates eating a good diet, getting enough sleep and exercise while surrounding yourself with a supportive group of friends and family. It is also important to eliminate bad habits such as smoking ...

Hack Your Sleep. Your Health Will Thank You

We all know that sleep is important but even scientists can’t be 100% sure about why it is. It’s a weird evolutionary quirk that, on the face of it, seems like a really bad idea. What if a predator were to sneak up on you while you’re catching 40 winks? But, g...

Natural Ways To Beat DOMS

Delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, is something that we all have to live with if we’re serious about working out to improve our health and fitness. It’s that soreness and stiffness you feel in your muscles throughout the recovery period. There is no way t...

3+ Quick And Easy Ways To Detox Your Body Naturally

Detox is a buzzword that you often hear a lot of these days. It usually refers to diets, drinks, or supplements you can take to "cleanse" your body. The thing is, our bodies already have a natural system in place to purge any oxidants. Still, with that in mind...
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