February 23, 2025

Jason Laboy

Growing up with a passion for baseball, Bronx, N.Y. photographer, Jason Laboy’s attention was focused on baseball cards. He enjoyed how the photographers were able to capture players at the most opportune time. However, he felt that none of his favorite players were ever photographed in the best light, which prompted him to wonder about possibly becoming a photographer one day himself. During his teen years he even went as far as borrowing his father’s camera and heading out to ball games to shoot the players in action. Many years later, Laboy began shooting for e-sports competitive gaming events, and even went on to win an award presented to him by Twin Galaxies—an organization that tracks video game world records—for his excellent work in the global video game culture. And, his childhood dream would come true in some way, as Twin Galaxies also released a trading card series featuring Laboy’s work.

Shooting video game competitions led the way to shooting cosplayers, as many cosplay artists often dress as video game characters. Finding cosplayers as another interesting subject to shoot, Laboy began attending comic book conventions in his area—at one point shooting a remarkable set of photos at Big Apple Con, which he sent to the editors of Cosplay Culture, who not only featured Laboy’s work, but also brought him onboard as one of their staff photogs. Today, when he’s not shooting more traditional sets like family portraits or images for fashion spreads and music ads, you’ll find Laboy capturing breathtaking imagery of faux Men of Steel and web-slingers for Jason Laboy Photography

Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset

Photo Courtesy of Jason Laboy

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