

Cuban Chrome

The more things change, the more they stay the same. It’s been less than a year since both President Obama and Raul Castro announced the US and Cuban administrations respective decisions to restore diplomatic r...

The Muscle Cars of Furious 7

Furious 7 is set to drop in theatres soon. While we all love the exotic locales, tales of revenge and redemption, hot ladies and action sequences, lets not forget the core component of this franchise is the car...

6 Must See Cars @ 2013 L.A. Auto Show

In between the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s hoopla, it’s important to acknowledge one more winter perk. This is the time of year when all the big car companies unveil their latest customized creations...
2012-LA-Auto-Show-Silver Lexus LF-CC

2012 L.A. Auto Show

Despite some rain and heavy traffic, SoCal residents showed up in droves for this year’s L.A. Auto Show, held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, and it’s easy to see why. With a mix of exciting new designs, ...
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