January 4, 2025

Career Tips


How to Avoid a Career Behind a Desk

The modern world of work has been taken over by the desk career. Almost every job you can think of will include some sort of paperwork, a lot of emailing and plenty of typing. So what can you do to avoid this s...
Back to School

Top Reasons To Head Back To School

Do you dread when your alarm goes off in the morning, as it means that you’re having to get up and at ‘em  and head off to work? Do you really dread your job, and find any excuse to leave early or even to call ...
Business Idea

How Far Should You Go With A Great Idea?

When you have that eureka moment, that grand idea you just know should be developed and disseminated, how do you continue? How are you supposed to make good on it? How can you turn something vague and half-note...

Is Now The Time For A Career Change?

Is now the time for a career change? Is this something that you have been mulling over for some time? Perhaps you have chatted to friends about it, perhaps you have put a few feelers out that you are ready for ...
Dealing With Job Loss

Financial Survival Post-Job Loss

Losing your job can be devastating, particularly if it was unforeseen or unexpected. Although companies are sometimes permitted to lay people off without notice, this doesn’t provide you with any solace follow...
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