
Do Magnetic Bracelets Work?

You have seen them on athletes like Dustin Pedroia and Curtis Granderson during their pro-sporting events. If you look around you may even see them on people that you know. I am talking about magnetic bracelets which are used for magnetic therapy or magneto th...

6 Ways Rum Is Good for Your Health

August 16th is National Rum Day, and to mark the occasion we’re celebrating with a round of health benefits of rum – Mojito in hand. It turns out there’s some truth to the whole “Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum” after all. Hundreds of years ago, when the sugar ...

Why You Need to Add Yoga to Your Workout Routine

So you think yoga is just some existential brouhaha? Tell that to guys like Kevin Garnett, Dan Marino and Derek Rose who incorporate yoga into their physical fitness routines. It’s an exercise that can bliss out even the most hardcore jock. Plus, it’s a g...

Nike and Apple Collab on the Apple Watch Nike+

What happens when two titans of their industry team up? A watch James Bond would be proud of. Nike and Apple have collaborated to bring you the Apple Watch Nike+. So what does this puppy do? Read on to find out. Features The Apple Watch Nike+ which dropped l...

Train Like An Olympic Sprinter

An Olympic sprinter is one of the most exciting athletes in the world. You’ve seen them and I’m sure one of the first thoughts that entered your mind, is wow!!! They look like they were carved out of stone. Ripped, dense muscle and not an ounce of fat. Th...

Short Circuit Boring Workouts

First treadmill… then crunches…some curls and hit the showers. Sound all-too familiar? What about this? You get to the gym ready to run marathons and move mountains, but instead you end up tinkering around doing random exercises. Its about time that you short ...

Orthokine Therapy 101

When your body is your punch card at work, you can't afford to be sidelined due to injury. Just ask Stephen Curry, the NBA MVP was recently side-lined with a knee sprain, to get back onto the hardwood ASAP, he recently underwent an under-the radar procedur...
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