Mayans MC Recap Season 3 Episode 6

Mayans MC, Season 3, Episode 6 Recap

M ayans MC opens up right where it left off. The attempt on EZ’s life.  Gaby rushes him to the hospital after he’s been shot. So, opens “You Can’t Pray A Lie”. The Morning After Cue to Bis...

The Men of 2020

2020 was a year like no other in modern history. The global pandemic put the world in lockdown, systemic racism was laid bare for the world to see, the economic divide deepened and long held democratic norms...

Mayans MC Season 3 Episode 3 Recap

Mayans MC opens with Coco having some childhood flashbacks. Seems that even as a child he helped is mother shoot heroine. Talk about rough childhood!  Coco soon awakens in his dealer’s cult/compound only t...

Mayans MC Season 3 Premiere Recap

Mayans MC returned last night for Season 3 with a special two-episode premiere.  “Pap Struggles with the Death Angel” and “The Orneriness of the King”.  There is a whole lot to unpack since w...

5 Netflix Shows to Grow On

One year into the pandemic, Netflix and other streaming platforms have become the go to form of entertainment. But with nearly a year of quarantine under our collective belts, while enjoyable, binging on Co...