February 22, 2025

Every hit film deserves a sequel, no?

When the first 300 film hit theatres it was a hit and it brought us the 300 Workout because audiences were also clamoring to know how the actors got so freakin’ diesel. As audiences clamored for more the sequel 300: Rise of An Empire is upon us. Well we think every good workout also deserves a sequel, hence the New 300 Workout. Are you in the shape to Seize Your Glory?

The Second Act

The first 300 Workout set the bar unbelievably high. It contains a series of complex movements that when performed in sequence for the required reps and time, can result in some muscular gains and fat burning. The New 300 Workout differs in one way — its simplicity. This time around your workout will consist of just five exercises with a maximum of four sets for each exercise. Simple enough? Sure. Easy? No way. Let’s go through your workout.

Goblet Squat

> Using a kettle bell or dumbbell, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. If you are using a kettle bell, grab it by the horns.

> Hold the bell in front of your chest with bent arms. Squat as deeply as you can without folding.

> Perform as many reps as you can squeeze out in 60 seconds. It’s not over yet. You are going to perform a total of 4 sets using the following kettle bells in order: Set 1: 24kg, Set 2: 20kg, Set 3: 16kg and Set 4: 12kg.

Take 60 seconds to rest in between. And…don’t forget to breath.

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About The Author

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Dorian Brito brings over 15 years of fitness and rehabilitation experience to ‘LLERO. Dorian has a physical fitness pedigree that can compete with the best of them, holding a B.S. in Exercise Science from Ithaca College, an M.A. in Motor Learning & Control from Columbia University and currently in pursuit of his MPH from Emory University. Aside from the degrees this Exercise Physiologist has experience working with professional athletes as well as in orthopedic physical therapy clinics. But he hasn’t stopped their, aside from his clients and contributions to ‘LLERO Dorian has authored numerous other articles for outlets such as Men’s Health magazine.

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