The current administration has made no secret about its positions on immigration, as they continue to present anti-immigration positions and their continued insistence that a wall be built. Unfortunately this rhetoric is nothing new; this country has always had divided feelings about undocumented immigrants. While feelings may differ the intention of those who come to America (or who are brought here) illegally is simple: the opportunity of a better life.
While there are many opportunities America can offer citizens of other countries that arrive here illegally, there is plenty that we can learn from them, too.
Refine Your Work Ethic & Be Mindful of the Big Picture
As Americans we often believe that if a certain job or career is not “working out” we are obligated to quit and find one that is a better fit. That approach can weaken our work ethic and in turn our job prospects. Undocumented immigrants don’t have that luxury. Instead they operate with a titanium-encrusted work ethic. Every job opportunity is approached with discipline, integrity and a feeling of responsibility. They understand that deviation from these ethics is devastating and crippling to their quality of life. So trust, there is no dashing out of the workplace at 5 p.m. sharp; no complaining about a commute to and from work; there is no proverbial dog that ate his or her homework. There is however, a steely resolve to get the job done because there is often way more at stake than a paycheck.