
What Luke Cage Can Teach You About Manhood

Marvel's Luke Cage dropped on Netflix Friday. The reviews are flying fast and furious for each episode. From a dissection of lighting and character development, to Netflix outages, the buzz is strong. We did our binge watch over the weekend and liked what we s...

How Not to be the Cultural Spokesperson at Work

It’s time for lunch and your colleagues ask you where they can find good “Spanish” food. Or you’re sharing childhood stories with your cube mates and one asks when you came to the United States. Maybe you just finished a presentation and someone comments that ...

Wise Words of Latino Men

"Respeta tus mayores." While we heard it all the time growing up, many of us probably didn't get the deeper reason why it was important to "respetar" which was code for "listening" to older people that surrounded us. The elder statesmen in our lives--fathers, ...

How to Survive the Corporate “Personality Test”

Have you finished polishing up that resume for your “dream job?” Great, but keep in mind it’s only part of the equation. Those pesky H.R. departments are throwing a whole new monkey wrench into the interview process with the dreaded personality test. Oh yes. F...
CPT-Time Cover Photo

Is CPT (Colored People’s Time) Myth or Reality?

They say money isn’t everything, but if you don’t have it, it sure does feel like everything. The same concept applies to time. Yet, unlike everything else in this world we can’t reproduce time – we can only master how to best use it. Although it is free, ma...

Business Travel 101

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ3N_vrFGGQ Hot tub hijinks, hookups and hookers might be standard M.O. at a bachelor party or boys’ trips, but they’re definitely not business travel behavior. Although your boss may never find out about your foolishness on ...

Are the successful lucky, or the lucky successful?

During an exit interview my supervisor, an Ivy league educated Latina, asked me why two inner city kids like us succeeded when so many of our counterparts, with near identical circumstances, did not. My answer -- I made the decision to be successful. People...

Say No At Work…And Get Ahead

Tword no, it's such a simple word that often escapes our lips without much thought. But using it on the job could mean the difference between a promotion and a pink slip. Read on to learn when is the right time to use this word in the office. Contrary to po...
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