February 22, 2025

Awards season is in full swing, which usually means Hollywood is looking back on the best of the previous year. Fear not, we have an eye to the future of film. Want to know what’s in store and worth heading to the cinema to see? We’ve curated the must-see movies dropping in 2016.


The Revenant

It’s got star power in the form of Leo DiCaprio, the latest “it” director in the form of Alejandro Inarittu and a ton of award buzz with no less than 12 Oscar nods. Yet, its still a good old revenge tale which is why this is a must see for the fellas.

Ride Along 2

Kevin Hart and Ice Cube re-team for the sequel to their 2013 hit Ride Along, this time scene stealer of The Hangover Ken Jeong is along for the ride. With this trio you can pretty sure the laughs will be plentiful.

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