“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Black Lives Matter. Not more, not less, equally. Not sometimes or some days. Every. Single. Day.
‘LLERO stands in solidarity with the African American community during this time of unrest.
The senseless deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor are the most recent in an endless list of names. They were people that were taken too soon and without cause. These continued losses should not be met without justice.
We have witnessed the constant fight for better opportunities, education, homes and healthcare.
The struggle to be seen and heard, the desire to be treated as humans, is a burden that no one person or group should have to endure.
The Black struggle for equality and humanity has run parallel, and in conjunction, with the Latino community. It has often put us shoulder to shoulder seeking the same things: equality, fairness and dignity.
To our readers, we encourage you to educate yourself on the history of racial violence in this country. We also encourage you to take up the work of anti-racism. Whether it is speaking up in the face of it or speaking out to increase the understanding of your fellow citizens.
Once again, we stand with you: your voices, your experiences and your fight. The pain, the struggles, the invisibility. We see it, we hear it, and we are listening.
We’ve got your back.
~ Victor A. Rodriguez, Jessica Rodriguez, William Rodriguez, Jr.