February 23, 2025

Zoe Saldana

If Linda Carter is the OG, Ms. Saldana is the current Queen Bey. You could consider her a triple threat as far as Latinas in the comic game. Appearing in no less than three blockbuster franchises. First there is the iconic Star Trek series. Besides going where no man has gone before, she inherits the role of Lieutenant Uhura, portraying a younger version of the character during her early days at Starfleet. Saldana not only fills the shoes of Nichelle Nichols, but makes the role her own, displaying a feisty take no shorts attitude. If that weren’t enough, there is her Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, in which she plays the character of Gamora. Another feisty albeit green heroine. Mmmm…were seeing a trend here. Finally, there is that lead role in the highest grossing film of all time Jim Cameron’s Avatar, as Neytiri, this time Saldana is blue and charged with protecting her community from humans seeking to exploit it for its natural resources. Needless to say, yet again she does not suffer fools lightly. With sequels for all of these franchises in various stages of development, it’s safe to say, we are going to be seeing quite a bit of this beauty for some time to come. And that’s a good thing.

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Victor rounds out the core team of ‘LLERO, he is a co-founder and Editor-in-Chief. Working with journalists and content creators to find the most interesting and newsworthy stories. A freelance sports and film writer at heart. In his spare time Victor follows all things boxing, basketball, movies and television. When not tapping the keys of his laptop he can be found checking out all kinds of mainstream and indie cinema alike. Or as his friends aptly describe "Vic, you like all that weird indie sh*!t"." Guilty as charged.

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