4. Don’t Bet Against Mayweather
When would you ever expect to see Warren Buffet visit a sweaty gym in the desert? Well Money May has obviously done enough to get his attention, as Buffet paid him a visit in this training camp. Sure, it was probably just a p.r. stunt but clearly Money is big enough now to be a part of these types of bits. Our point, don’t bet against Mayweather, like all great fighters, he always finds a way to win. A notion he is keenly self-aware of and made no bones about in post-workout interview
“I always find a way. Whether I am 26 or 37, I still find the way to win. I guess when you win all 12 rounds, or 10-plus rounds so many times, fans and the media get spoiled. The bar is set so high. I fight not only my opponent, but everybody, the biased fans, the biased critics.”