February 22, 2025

If you’ve still got the impulse to launch your own tech business, Rosado shared some of what his daily life as a tech entrepreneur is really like…

The Good

Following your dream and being surrounded by people who want to see you succeed is probably the best aspect of Rosado’s job. “Meeting people to talk about my company is still a thrill,” Rosado said. “I get very passionate about it and have been invited to talk to a variety of audiences about my experiences from local high schools to banking symposiums to grad schools. I’ve gotten great feedback on the idea and positive encouragement.”

The Bad

No matter how good the idea or spectacular the team you are surrounded by, launching any business from the ground up is more than just hard work. It means giving things up, at least for the moment. Rosado’s sacrifice involved trading a blossoming banking career and the paycheck that went with it. It has meant moving away from wife and in with his father-in-law to be in the center of the tech world, San Francisco. “It’s meant being less social, having less disposable income and eating home more just to save money. All for the business.”

The Ugly

The extreme exhaustion that accompanies this leap of faith can push anyone to a breaking point. On some days, just surviving the day is victory. But when that happens, Rosado remembers not only all the people that have helped him along the way, but also the people whose lives could possibly change if his app is successful. “Startup life is a marathon not a sprint, and it’s when you are most exhausted that you need to run harder and faster.”


Want to turn that tech idea into a reality? Here are a few helpful starting points to learn the basics of programming and software development:

Programming: Learningprocessing.org or Codecademy
Software Development: StackOverflow.com

Rosado also says that his Master’s in Interactive Telecommunications from NYU has been very helpful. “That’s a great program for people who want to learn how to be creative and collaborative using technology.”

Keep up with Givkwik on Twitter: @givkwik

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About The Author

Elbert Garcia is a Dominican-American writer and communications strategist based in Miami. He is dedicated to organizing stories for change. Born and raised in Washington Heights, Garcia has spent the the last two decades in education, government and the media helping to shape messages and voices for public impact.

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