Movies & Television


Vida Series Finale Recap

The Vida series finale opens with Mari doing what Mari does best. Making her “La Pinche Chinche” videos. This time she takes it to the corporations who support ICE. Meanwhile, across town Lyn is umm…. Servi...

Vida The Final Season, Episode 5 Recap

The penultimate episode of Vida opens on a more wholesome note than prior episodes. In this Vida Recap, we witness Lyn being born again as she goes through her baptismal ceremony. Damn, that Victor moves fa...

Vida The Final Season, Episode 4 Recap

Episode four the final season of Vida opens with a Lyn and Rudy hedonistic love fest. Lyn and Councilman Rudy are in the middle of the deed, when Lyn takes things a little too far for the Councilman. He mak...

Vida Season 3, Episode 3 Recap

Episode three opens with another Emma love fest. But this go around it’s of the bacchanal kind. Emma is clearly trying to get over Nico by partying her soul away. She does it by being the middle of a coupl...

Vida, Season 3, Episode 2 Recap

Episode two opens with Lyn getting her cardio on. Likely, her way of coping with the news learned on the season premiere, that she may not in fact be an orphan! Meanwhile the Emma and Nico love fest continu...

How to Stream the Best Sports Content

Our normal ways of life have been greatly interrupted in a way that we did not expect. The coronavirus has spread across the world faster than a bushfire. Was it not just the other day that we ushered the N...

Vida Season 3 Premiere Recap The final season of Vida opens on a high note. Emma is enjoying her relationship with Nico and Lyn hers with the Councilman Rudy. The Councilman even asking Lyn t...
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