January 22, 2025

4. Ain’t No Novela Like a GOP Telenovela

As is the case with Democrats, not every Republican was keen on the selection of the Donald as the GOP nominee. Despite the primaries having ended months ago, delegates tried to stage a coup or at least get their voices heard on the convention floor. Blocked administratively, many seethed, while the Colorado delegation refused to come back.

Yet no one could have prepared the audience for Wednesday night, when Ted Cruz spoke about everything under the sun, except for endorsing his former competitor. Some asked, why did you even come? That’s why no one likes you, said Chris Christie.

But Cruz had a simple answer: You insulted my wife and you said my father was involved in Kennedy’s assassination. In some parts of the country, those are fighting words. In an open-carry state like Texas, it’s just prologue to a gun battle. Perhaps Cruz was just mustering up his own inner Burr. Wait for it!

5. Fact Checkers Will Be Have Job Security…At Least Until November

Donald Trump and his campaign have fully embraced our current age of disruption. In his divisive speech, Trump shouted down his opponents, creating a scene of lawlessness and economic despair that was being perpetrated by immigrants and that was disproportionately affecting whites and African Americans. Blue Lives were being caught in the rhetorical and literal crossfire from activists, who had very little evidence of the grievances that they have been protesting to correct. The problem, as pointed out by the Associated Press and other outlets, much of these statements were either previously debunked claims or just plain wrong.

Of course, why tell the truth when it’s already the media’s job to analyze and contextualize our leader’s words. Debates are so much easier to win when you can line up lies or questionable evidence to support your words. And if every news outlet has the time or the money to look into these things, then they are failing the public, not him.

The irony of course is that the man who has actually been rated as having said the most lies is calling out the candidate that has the least amount of lies.  This has as much to do with the perception that Hillary Clinton (and the Clintons in general) have over the years manipulated the truth for their benefit. What better way to inoculate oneself against your opponent’s charges than by suggesting that its just another example of her lying?

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