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Business guru after business guru have repeatedly stated that one of the best ways to financial freedom is starting your own business. Yet, when putting out your own shingle, no matter what that shingle may be, marketing it is key.

Whether you’re starting a delivery business or trying to disrupt the fintech industry, you need to market your company. Otherwise, no one will know who you are and you will never achieve your business goals. But marketing can be tricky, especially with so many brands vying for engagement. So, you need to stand out and go bold. But where do you start? Here are five bold marketing solutions to help your business.

Work With Other Businesses

In the past, many businesses steered clear of each other, especially if they were competitors. However, you can work with other businesses to boost your profile and make a name for yourself. While you shouldn’t work with direct competitors, you can cultivate good relationships with nearby companies and local brands to boost awareness. Speak to stores beside you and see if they are happy to showcase flyers or even freebies from your store. You can also work on marketing campaigns or events together to give back to the community. Don’t be afraid to work with other businesses as this can also do you a favor as a business owner. Working with other companies can also help you save on your outgoings. For instance, if you need to ship car parts as part of your business then working with one selling reliable 48” x 45” pallets for heavy-duty use will be just the company you will want to work with.

Market Everywhere

Marketing everywhere allows you to ensure everyone knows about your business. The best way to do that is by using full body wraps on your vehicles that showcase your logo, brand name, and any new products wherever you go. This approach is much bolder than the more subtle company car approach, as it is often impossible to miss, especially if you use bold colors that demand attention. Body wraps are a fantastic way to reach an audience that would otherwise not know about you, especially if you cannot afford to expand to new markets yet.

Create Something Viral

Viral videos are nothing new. As long as the internet has been a thing, viral videos have existed. However, these videos were usually random happenings or animations. It is only over the past decade or so that businesses have used viral campaigns to increase awareness and market their products. If you want your business to stand out, you can do this too.

There are several ways to make a viral video campaign. Many businesses opt for something catchy. An earworm that forces them to remember your business. However, some companies or influencers have begun to use rage bait to market their products.

Making people angry is a fantastic way to drive engagement, but you need to be careful about how angry you make them. It takes a fine balance between outrage and absurdity because you could risk damaging your company’s reputation if you push things too far.

Go Back to Basics

Sometimes, going back to basics is an effective way to make your business stand out. While everyone else looks forward and tries to outdo one another through innovation, you can use traditional marketing techniques to deliver a more authentic feeling.

Not everyone wants to follow your page or smash that like button. Instead, they want to know what you’re selling, how much it costs, and where they can purchase it. A simple flier, TV ad, or billboard can answer those questions.

Stand Out

Standing out is always important in business, and with so much competition, your small business needs to do everything possible to make an impact. You can use these tips to boost engagement and ensure customers remember you and seek out your business.

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