February 22, 2025
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Part of being a well rounded man is having a variety of skills, or better yet, the desire to obtain new skills.  Now it doesn’t always have to be a hard skill like accounting or learning a new language. It can be more in the area of leisure. Enter music. Learning a musical instrument could be one of the most beneficial things you could do. It is not only great for impressing friends and playing music, but it has some great psychological and mental benefits. Benefits you wouldn’t want to miss out on. It may feel like you should start to learn an instrument only when you’re a child. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You can learn an instrument at any age, as long as you have the desire to learn. First, it’s a good idea to think about what instrument you would like to learn. There are so many to choose from, across different genres and you can work out what could be best for your skills set. Some instruments require more rhythm than others. Some instruments require a little more focus and coordination. 

So what makes learning an instrument so good for you and is it really worth it to learn. Some instruments are easier to play than others. By practicing and following manuals and tips, you can teach yourself. There are so many wonderful online places to learn how to play. From piano to accordion! You can even learn guitar easily by learning the essential tips online. So let’s look at the benefits, that’s the best part isn’t it? 
Playing an Instrument Improves Intelligence –

It Will Allow You to Use Your Focus

To learn a new skill takes brain power and utilizing your brain power, and it can help improve cognitive skills. 

Aid Social Skill

Learning to play an instrument can be great to show off to friends. It’s a good conversation starter. You can play in public if you get good enough and you will definitely feel more able to chat socially. 

It Helps Anxiety

Listening to music has a similar effect and can release stress and tension. It can be a great distraction to anxiety and depression. 

Gives You a Sense of Pride

Learning an instrument takes effort and practice and to finally achieve your goal can make you feel incredibly proud and this can be a boost to your mental health. It gives you something to work towards and makes you feel good! 

Builds Confidence

It can make you realize and appreciate your worth and it’s a great thing to share with friends and family or fellow music lovers. You may start to socialize more with other musicians and build a new network that will be great for social skills and confidence. 

Great for Your Patience and Memory

It could even help diminish the risk of dementia in older age. It uses your memory, learning notes and reading music and helps you appreciate your own patience and this can be adopted across the board.  

Helps Improve Your Memory

Your memory can be easily improved by practicing daily. This means you are focusing on the same element over and over which helps you memorize and you will probably see a difference in what you remember in your day to day life, such as remembering appointments and things you need to do!  

The process in your brain that creates new memory as you learn new skills is called neuroplasticity. This is essentially a process that reshapes the brain, and hence can help protect your memory and cognitive functions. When you learn to play an instrument, your brain’s neuroplasticity is triggered by different elements, such as learning to read music sheets, but also learning the postures and motions you need to reproduce the notes. This beginners guide to learning violin even recommends learning to play with both hands, which increases your brain’s neuroplasticity. In other words, music can be “instrumental” in preserving your cognitive functions as you get older. 

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