February 13, 2025

Unfortunately for us all, a threat has emerged that’s not out to get your money, your freedom or your season tickets. Instead, this little menace has its eyes set on something else entirely: your sperm. It might be hard to believe, but a new book written by author Mary Pols suggests that an increasing number of women are resorting to desperate measures in order to get pregnant — even if it’s by a guy they’ve just met. According to Pols, and others like her, some women who are coming to the end of their most fertile years are left with no other choice than to get knocked up “accidentally on purpose”–which is also the title of the book.

Still confused? Here’s how the scenario might typically unfold: You meet an attractive, single 30-something woman in a bar and quickly things lead to the bedroom. As you fumble around for a condom, she insists that it won’t be necessary; she’s on the pill and claims to have regular health checkups. Alarm bells should be ringing right about now, but by this point, curse of man, you’re not really thinking with your head — or at least not the one up top. Flash forward a few months and you pick up the phone to learn that impossibly — or so you thought — you’re going to be a daddy. Guess what? You’ve just been sperm jacked!!

The Sperm-Jacker Profile

You’ve probably already met the type: mid- to late-30s, single, childless, career-driven and slightly wary of everything she sees and hears. You shouldn’t confuse her for a cougar though, who is merely an older woman looking for a good time with a younger man. Instead, the sperm-jacker has a different agenda; one which is entirely more sinister and she’ll do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.

For purely biological reasons, sperm-jackers will prey on younger, more virile and potent men, whether subconsciously or not. If making a baby is the underlying motivation behind her seduction, she’ll target those who appear to be genetically superior. Clearly, the woman wants to be selective in her criteria for identifying the potential father of her child. Here’s what to look out for when being targeted by a sperm-jacker:

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