February 5, 2025
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Tinder – one of the most popular dating apps of all time – is fun to be on. Whether you’re looking to mingle, or just want a little companionship, then Tinder is your go-to app to meet people online. Especially these days – when getting out and about is literally not what it used to be.

But with that said, if you’re a guy planning to use Tinder, but don’t know where to start, you’re not alone. Many guys wonder how to get the opposite sex to go out with them via Tinder. But many times, guys will fail at doing so, simply because their Tinder profiles are a mess. Sloppy photos, a rushed bio, or nothing on their profiles! The list goes on!

So, guys, if you’re looking to score a date with someone special, then watch out for these 5 blunders that can affect your chances on Tinder!

1. Wearing Shades

The days of wearing sunglasses to look “cool” are over. In fact, wearing the shades in your profile pick makes you look conceited. Some people who view your profile may suspect that you’re hiding something.

So, leave the shades in the closet. Don’t try to create a façade. Be real. Let prospective matches look into your eyes and visualize what their first date will be like with you. In this way, you’re more transparent and real to people who view your profile.

This leads to the next point …

2. Trying Too Hard

Prospective matches don’t like when people try too hard. Again, be real.

There’s a difference between trying too hard and being real. The former shows people that you’ll bend over backwards to please people. The latter shows you for who you really are – and people like that so much better.

In short, you don’t have to work at pleasing people with posts and photos on your new ride, or how much money is in your bank account. No! Be yourself. Don’t post anything and everything about your life. Post what makes you stand out the most – YOU.

3. Wanting “Successful” People

Just because you view yourself as “successful,” doesn’t mean that the rest of the world is too. In fact, you may want to think about how you define “successful” before making that “requirement” in your profile. Besides, there are many “successful” people who can’t cook or clean. Plus, everyone in the world has their own definitions of “success.” In other words, some people might not view you as “successful” if you can’t get their attention with your profile the first time.

So, be sure to tell people the traits that you want in a match. Don’t just say “I want someone successful” – chances are, people won’t know how you define “success.” What success?

4. Posting Unprofessional Photos

Let’s face it: No one likes a slob. Yep. That’s means those with sloppy Tinder profiles.

So, let’s step it up a bit! Post photos as if your boss is looking for you on social media. You never know! You might disrespect someone from your boss’s side of the world.

Even if you’re not employed, you still need to make a good impression on your Tinder profile. Pretend that your profile is a CV or a resume that you’re sending to different jobs. If people like what they see – professional-looking photos, especially a well thought out bio – then you’re a winner. But if people DON’T like what they see – sloppy (or embarrassing) photos with an uncreative bio – then they’ll pass you up.

5. Leaving Your Profile Blank

Finally, the worst thing that you can do to your Tinder profile is to have nothing in it. Blank!

If you leave your profile blank expecting people to check you out, then let us be the first to tell you: It’s NOT going to work!

People want to get to know you. That’s why a fleshed-out bio is extremely important on your Tinder profile. Plus, tell people what you’re looking for in a person – but MAKE IT FRESH, not generic.

So, there you have it, guys!

By staying far away from these 5 blunders, your Tinder profile will start attracting potential matches! As you may have guessed by now, first impressions count. The point is, don’t try too hard, and don’t be lazy in your bio and postings.

Remember: Be yourself, and stay humble. Potential matches will thank you for it!

Now, get out there, and good luck!

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About The Author

Kendra Beckley is a writer and editor at Academic Brits and PhD Kingdom. As a marketer, she helps companies enter a new market and build long-term relationships with partners. As a blogger, she writes about the latest trends in business development, coding, and social media.

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