Movies & Television

Puerto Rico Comic Con

Geek Rican at Puerto Rico Comic Con

For an island nation still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico’s passionate pop culture fanbase will not be stopped. Case in point - Puerto Rico Comic Con! The three-day fes...

The Top Movies to Look Out For in 2019

2019 is here and we are in the thick of winter doldrums. As we’ve done in years past, we’ve canvassed the most guy-worthy movies to see this year. Trust us ‘LLERO’s, the big screen looks packed full of testoste...

Tony Montana’s Miami 35 Years Later…

We are all familiar with the story of Cuban mafioso Tony Montana. Montana descends on Miami in search of the “American Dream” after departing Cuba in the Mariel boatlift in the epic 1983 Al Pacino flick Scarfac...
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