January 17, 2025



What A Joe Biden Presidency Means for Latinx

Although President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris election day victory continues to be contested by the current administration, many pundits, outlets and the incoming administration are proceeding business as usual.  Part of that inc...

The Most Inspiring Latino Moments of 2020

It goes without saying that 2020 is a year no one will soon forget. On lighter notes, things like Zoom and Tik Tok became part of our cultural lexicon. On heavier notes, COVID-19 ravaged the globe, wild-fires raged in California and systemic racism reared ...
Alejandro Mayorkas

Who Is Alejandro Mayorkas?

Last week Alejandro Mayorkas made history. As one of President-elect Joe Biden's cabinet nominees, Alejandro Mayorkas became the first Latino and first immigrant ever nominated to become the Head of the Department of Homeland Security. Confirmation and app...

Latinx Heritage Month | Follow the Leaders

  Latinx Heritage Month or, as it is also referred to, Hispanic Heritage Month is customarily a time to honor and celebrate the history, past accomplishments and customs of Latino culture.  However, given the unprecedented nature of 2020, we fel...

This is Why America Is Worth Saving

I am an American raised son of Mexican immigrants. I am grateful to God for our country. I am grateful for its Founders, its people and the patriots and peacemakers who fight daily to make our country stronger. I am filled with great pride and an undying...
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