Life has to end at some point. Everyone dies, and the best we can do is to make the most of our lives and arrive at our deathbed with plenty of happy memories and loved ones by our side. But you can still make an effort to live as long as possible before its your time. You can achieve this by ensuring you live a healthy and happy existence. Minimizing stress and protecting yourself from harm.
The average global life expectancy is just over 73 years, but by looking after yourself, you could easily exceed this timeframe. Read on to learn five ways to live a longer life.
Work Out
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to prolong your lifespan and maximise your health. Find a sport that you love, and it will never seem like a chore. You could decide to be a runner, climber, mountain biker, or a gym nut. The choice is yours. Just 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each day is all you need to stay healthy. The benefits to your cardiovascular health, immune system, mental wellbeing, and physical strength will be astounding.
Eat Well
Coupled with exercise, a balanced diet can make you feel amazing and supercharge your health to the next level. A diet full of sweet and salty treats will shorten your life and make you more susceptible to various medical conditions. But a balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables, carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats will change your life. There is nothing wrong with the occasional slice of cake or glass of wine, but these treats should be savoured and enjoyed in moderation.
Reduce Stress
Stress is the silent killer, affecting 74% of people worldwide, and leading to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and even suicide. Reducing your stress levels is one of the best things you can do for a long life. Start by trying to eliminate any sources of anxiety in your life, whether it’s job deadlines or family troubles. Find coping methods such as meditation or therapy and prioritize your mental wellbeing. This is a lifelong goal but it will make you a healthier and happier person.
Stay Safe
It may not be old age or poor health that kill you. Plenty of people die in accidents every single day, never knowing when their time may be up. Although you can’t completely avoid the risk of catastrophe, you can minimize the chance of unexpected disaster happening to you. Car accidents are a leading cause of death, and driving dangerously is often fatal. Wear your seatbelt, stick to the speed limit, and follow the rules of the road. Use protective equipment when doing manual work or engaging in any adventure sports. And just remember to be careful in all aspects of your life.
Make the Most of It
You never know when the end might come, but your life will be more full if you spend it doing the things that make you happy. Make time to travel, pursue your passions, and spend time with the people you love.
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