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How to Make Your Commute More Interesting


Let’s be honest — even if you love your job, it’s unlikely that you love your commute. Having to get up because your alarm has gone off is difficult enough, but then having to get out of the door and transport yourself to the office? That’s another level of challenge.

If you’ve not been given the work-from-home option yet, then you’ll have no choice other than to make the journey. So the best you can do is to work on making the commute more interesting and fun. Happily, in this day and age, that couldn’t be more straightforward. Below, we’ll run through handy, easy-to-enact ideas that may even have you looking forward to your commute — OK, maybe that’s going a little too far, but they’ll certainly make it more manageable.


Change How You Commute

It might be that you don’t hate the commute, but how you commute. If you’re always sitting in traffic, then you’ll be forgiven if you’re continually looking up get-rich-quick schemes online. Since those schemes are unlikely to work, you’ll be better off coming up with a plan B. So how about changing how you travel? You might find getting public transport more enjoyable, especially if you live near a good subway line. Alternatively, you could think about traveling to work by bike. It takes a bit more effort, but it’s good for you — and can be a lot more fun.


Listen to Podcasts

We’re in the golden age of podcasts. There are just so many brilliant ones out there. Whatever topic you’re interested in, there’ll be an ocean of well-informed, well-produced podcasts to choose from. Even if you don’t have a particular subject you’re interested in, you’ll find there’s plenty that are entertaining even if you know nothing about the subject. Some good ones to try on your commute include This American Life, Stuff You Should Know, and Reply All. There are so many episodes that you’ll never run out. 


Play a Game

Looking to make the commute go more quickly while also having fun? Then look at playing a game. Of course, you can only do this if you take public transport or if you’re a passenger. But still, if you are, then there’s arguably no better option. You’ll find countless games available online, though it has to be said that many of those games aren’t very challenging. If you’re looking to give your brain a workout — and get ready for the working day — then look at doing a crossword or sudoku puzzle. They’ll pose a handy challenge, but you’ll also be able to complete them during your commute (though there’s always your lunch break if you need a little extra time).


Create a Carpool

Carpooling with your colleagues to the office is a great way to, first of all, save money — getting to/from work becomes much cheaper when there are multiple people paying! Plus, it’s good for the environment. And finally, it’s just entertaining. If you have to do something that you don’t want to do — drive to work — then you may as well do it in good company. Note that this will only work if you like your colleagues. If you don’t, then it’ll be better to savor the bliss of solitude.


Read a Book

If there’s one thing that practically everyone says they wish they could do more, it’s reading. Well, your commute, provided you’re taking public transport, offers the perfect opportunity. You might need to wear some noise-canceling headphones so that you can fully focus on the book, but if you can, then you’ll find you can work through many books throughout the year. If you have to drive, then look at listening to audiobooks. They take a little getting used to, but once you have, you’ll find that they offer a great experience.


Learn a Language

Want to learn a new skill, impress your friends, and open up a world of travel opportunities? Then consider learning a language on your commute. There are plenty of apps that’ll allow you to learn while you’re on the subway. If you’re in a car, then look at investing in one of those paid language-learning programs. After all, they usually say that you’ll need a quiet space for an hour or so — and that’s just what your commute offers.


Embrace It

You might not like your commute, but if you have no other option, then you may as well embrace it. Take the tips we’ve outlined above, and you’ll be making the most of your time!


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