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12 Latino Superheroes You Need to Know


Love the film or hate it, one of the biggest storylines of the Fantastic Four reboot has been Michael B. Jordan taking on the mantle of Johnny Storm aka The Human Torch. Not only has this casting raised eyebrows, but coupled with the fact that Kate Mara was cast as Susan Storm, sister to Johnny, well needless to say the press has had a field day. Yet, comics have always been a reflection of the times. So diversity in the world of comics should not come as a shocker. In fact, Latino superheroes within the pages of Marvel Comics isn’t a new thing. Throughout the decades, Marvel has introduced some of the most dynamic Latino characters to ever grace comic books. With over 100 characters to choose from Marvel’s archives, ‘LLERO took on the task of choosing the twelve (because 10 is so cliché) Latino Marvel characters that have made the most waves in the past as well as those that continue to kick bad guy culo in some of the current storylines.

Iron Man
Real Name: Antonio Stark
Universe: Earth-1610 (Ultimate Universe)
First Appearance: Ultimate Marvel Team-Up (July, 2001)

That’s right! The Ultimate Universe’s version of one of America’s favorite comic book heroes is half Latino. Born to Howard Stark and his second wife, Maria Stark-Cerrera, Antonio “Tony” Stark nearly died along with his mother during childbirth were it not for his father’s newly invented biological armor which saved Tony’s life. This origin story, however, is no longer considered canon (officially part of the storyline), though—however, in the ongoing storylines, his name continues to be Antonio “Tony” Stark.

Master Carlos Javier (aka Professor X)
Real Name: Carlos Javier
Universe: Earth-311 (Marvel 1602)
First Appearance: Marvel 1602 #2 (November, 2003)

As the alternate version of Charles Xavier (aka Professor X), Carlos Javier’s story takes place during the seventeenth century in the Elizabethan Era—the year 1602 to be exact. With the permission of Queen Elizabeth of England, Spanish-born Javier established the Select College for the Sons of Gentlefolk. Similar to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Javier’s institute offered both a school and a safe haven for Witchbreeds, which is what mutants were called during the time. Javier and his students often clashed with Enrique the Grand Inquisitor (this reality’s version of Magneto) who was going around burning Witchbreeds at the stake.

Real Name: Samuel Alexander
Universe: Earth-616 (Main Marvel Universe)
First Appearance: Point One #1 (January, 2012)

Samuel “Sam” Alexander is the son of former Nova Centurion, Jesse Alexander, and a Latin American gal named Eva Alexander. Jesse went missing early on in Sam’s life, so Sam skated off on his skateboard to find his father, but suffered an accident, which knocked him out cold. When he woke up in the hospital, Sam found Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket Raccoon and Gamora, at his bedside. It seems that the Guardians were also searching for Sam’s dad and his Nova helmet. Once they discovered the Nova helmet, both Rocket and Gamora set out to train Sam on how to use the helmet so that one day Sam would live up to his father’s legacy.

White Tiger
Real Name: Ava Ayala
Universe: Earth-616 (Main Marvel Universe)
First Appearance: Avengers Academy #20 (December, 2011)

Puerto Rican superhero, Ava Ayala, is the youngest sister of the original White Tiger and possessor of the Jade Tiger amulets, Hector Ayala. Ava took the amulets and her brother’s White Tiger alias and joined the Avengers Academy where she vowed to become a more active Hispanic role model while kicking bad guy butt. The amulets enhance her strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, reaction time and a whole other cat-like abilities. The amulet also helped her tap into master martial arts abilities. The amulets and White Tiger moniker was previously held by Ava and Hector’s niece, Angela Del Toro Ayala, who took on the responsibilities after Hector’s un-timely death.

Araña (Later changed to Spider-Girl)
Real Name: Anya Sofia Corazon
Universe: Earth-616 (Main Marvel Universe)
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy Vol. 2 #1 (August, 2004)

Another Latina who’s kicking hides across the Marvel Universe is Anya Sofia Corazon, also known as Araña, but eventually opting for the alias Spider-Girl. Born in Mexico, her father moved her to Brooklyn, N.Y. after Anya’s mother was murdered while her father—who was a reporter—was investigating the mysterious disappearance of children in their town. It was in Brooklyn where Anya would acquire her spider-like powers, but not by being bitten by a chemically enhanced arachnid. No, Anya’s spider powers are strictly mystical. Caught up in between a battle between mystical clans the Spider Society and the Sisterhood of the Wasp, Anya was fatally wounded. The Spider Society’s magician, Miguel Legar, was able to save Anya’s life by performing a ritual, which gave her a spider-shaped tattoo and endowed her with her spider-like powers.

Real Name: Maya Lopez
Universe: Earth-616 (Main Marvel Universe)
First Appearance: Daredevil Vol. 2 #9 (December, 1999)

Maya Lopez, aka Echo, played both foe and love interest to Daredevil simultaneously. While in a romantic relationship with Daredevil’s secret identity, Matt Murdock, she hunted the Daredevil unbeknownst to her that they were the same person. Lopez was made to believe by her foster father, Wilson Fisk a.k.a. the Kingpin, that Daredevil murdered her birth father when she was younger, but the fact was that the Kingpin ordered her father’s hit. She eventually bested Daredevil in battle and nearly kills him, but, at that moment, she realizes that it’s Murdock under the mask. Murdock eventually finds out the truth about Lopez’s father’s death and informs her, making her go after the Kingpin and shooting him in the eye, temporarily blinding him. But, as always, the Kingpin survives and recuperated.

The Santerians
Members: Elleggua, Ogun, Oya, Chango and Oshun
Universe: Earth-616 (Main Marvel Universe)
First Appearance: Daredevil: Father #2 (October, 2005)

Formed out of desperation due to the rampant crime rate in the Bronx, the Santerians are former members of a neighborhood watch group called the Street Angels, who felt that super-powers were needed to fight crime on the mean streets of the BX. Nestor “Eleggua” Rodriguez convinced a few of the members to join him in using Santeria rituals to obtain the superpowers they needed to clean up their ‘hood. The Santerians got into violent but brief confrontations with Daredevil because they felt that he only cared about helping out in Manhattan, and they felt that the Bronx could also use his assistance. They eventually peaced it out, and each side continued to fight crime within their own boroughs.

Spider-Man – 2099
Real Name: Miguel O’Hara
Universe: Earth-928 (Marvel 2099)
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #365 (August, 1992)

Being of Irish and Mexican descent, Miguel O’Hara is the first known Latino to take on the Spider-Man mantle. In a time that takes place 100 years after what the people of the year 2099 call the “Heroic Age” (which is really the main Marvel timeline), O’Hara was a geneticist who was working on recreating the same abilities of the original Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and applying them to a group of super-powered soldiers as part of a project for the company he worked for, Alchemax. In a freak accident, O’Hara mistakenly rewrote half of his DNA with that of a spider, thus becoming the Spider-Man of 2099.

Ghost Rider
Real Name: Roberto “Robbie” Reyes
Universe: Earth-616 (Main Marvel Universe)
First Appearance: All-New Ghost Rider #1 (May, 2014)

We previously discussed the all-new Ghost Rider, Robbie Reyes, when we interviewed the character’s creator, Felipe Smith. Reyes is a young Chicano car mechanic from Los Angeles, Calif., who was entrusted with caring for his mentally disabled younger brother, Gabe, after their parents died. Realizing that his earnings from his job at the shop wasn’t helping much, Reyes ventured into the street racing circle in order to acquire the funds he so desperately needed. His ride: a black 1969 Dodge Charger, which he borrowed from the shop. What Robbie didn’t know, though, was that a “spirit of vengeance” inhabited this slick ride. During his first race, just as Robbie started taking the lead, he realized someone—presumably the police—was chasing him, so he gave chase and ended up being cornered at a dead end. His pursuers ended up being local thugs who were after an unknown substance that was stashed inside the car. They ended up killing Robbie, taking the substance and burning the evidence, including Robbie’s body. Just then, the ghost inside the car awoke and possessed the racer, resulting in Robbie’s resurrection and bringing forth the all-new Ghost Rider.

Ghost Rider
Real Name: Alejandra Blaze
Universe: Earth-616 (Main Marvel Universe)
First Appearance: Ghost Rider Vol. 7 #1 (September, 2011)

Born to an American human trafficker and an unknown Mexican woman, Alejandra was sold by her father and eventually ended up with a man named Adam in Nicaragua, who trained her and other orphans in a temple in hopes of producing the next suitable Ghost Rider. Adam, then, convinces Johnny Blaze to give up the Ghost Rider powers and passes them along to Alejandra who he sees fit to carry on the torch. Alejandra was brought back to the Marvel scene earlier this year by Felipe Smith as part of the cast of the Ghost Racers series. In this new storyline, Alejandra is found in a death race-like competition where she, along with Ghost Riders of the past like, Johnny Blaze, Danny Ketch and Carter Slade, as well as the most recent Ghost Rider, Robbie Reyes.

Miss America
Real Name: America Chavez
Universe: Earth-TRN366 (Utopian Parallel)
First Appearance: Vengeance #1 (September, 2011)

As the second character to bear the moniker Miss America, America Chavez is a Latin-American teen born in a parallel world known as the Utopian Parallel. She is said to have gotten her superpowers—which include the ability to fly, superhuman strength and speed, invulnerability, the ability to open portals to other dimensions—from a being known as Demiurge, who is a life force that exists in Earth’s biosphere. After the Utopian Parallel was saved from destruction by America’s mothers, who sacrificed themselves for their world, America decided that her world no longer needed her and she set off to become a superhero in other dimensions. During her adventures, America has joined forces with the Young Adventures and the Teen Brigade, as well as discovering her sexual preference for women. Most recently, America was featured in the series A-Force, which has a mostly all-female cast.

Real Name: Miles Morales
Universe: Earth-1610 (Ultimate Universe)
First Appearance: Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (October, 2011)

Last, but most definitely not least, is the latest character to take on the Spider-Man alias, Miles Morales. Morales hit the scene about four years ago, and has been a standout character in the Marvel lineup since. The half Black, half Latino teen from Brooklyn, acquired his Spidey powers much like the O.G. Spider-Man, Peter Parker—by getting bitten by a chemically enhanced spider. After news broke that the original Spider-Man had passed away during battle, Morales took on the responsibilities of fighting crime in place of Parker. So far the web-slinger from BK has appeared in two solo series with a third series debuting in the fall.

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