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El Cucuy vs. La Chupacabra

Who doesn’t like a good mashup? Freddie vs. Jason, Alien vs. Predator, Batman v. Superman and the list goes on. From El Cucuy to La Llorona, we thought it a good time to compare some of the scarier myths and legends that have become a part of this beautiful Latino culture we were raised on.

El Cucuy vs. La Chupacabra

Origins & Myths
To most El Cucuy is a Mexican myth where it was said that a shape-shifting demon would kidnap disobedient young children and eat them alive. Matter of fact there’s even a nursery rhyme to remind children that El Cucuy has the kind of appetite for children that would put Jared Fogle to shame. And that’s saying something.

The Chupacabra legend began in Puerto Rico more than a decade ago when numerous goats were found completely drained of their blood with nothing more than a few puncture wounds on their torsos.

Threat to…
El Cucuy: Children who disobey authority and stay up past their bedtime. In other words had Justin Beiber been born in Mexico he wouldn’t have made it past his 18th birthday because either the Cucuy would’ve gotten him or a drug cartel.
La Chupacabra: Goats and cows. But then again what Latino isn’t a threat to a goat or a cow. We eat everything that’s raised on a farm.

With El Cucuy having a better chance of making it onto To Catch A Predator, I would have to say it’s a lot scarier than anything that feeds on goat or cow blood.

La Siguanaba vs. La Descarnada

Origins & Myths
The legend of La Siguanaba dates back to colonial times in Central America where it was said that the spirit of a broken hearted woman would haunt the night in search of unsuspecting promiscuous men and get them to give her a ride home. Once saddled and galloping along, the woman’s beautiful face would turn into something straight outta Mr. Ed. She would reveal her face to be that of an actual horse. Though nowadays if her lower extremities were comparable to that of a horse as well then some guys wouldn’t mind her face at all!

The MO of La Descarnada is all too similar with the exception of it being modernized. This vengeful spirit of a provocatively dressed hitchhiker haunts the lonely highways of Central America luring men with her breathtaking beauty. Once in the passenger seat of some horny creeps car she begins to peel off pieces of her face to reveal her true undead self.

Threat To…
La Siguanaba: Two-timing boyfriends, players, and any man who’s unfaithful to his wife.
La Descarnada: Any man who’s looking to hook up with a beautiful woman. So literally every man alive. Maybe this was the inspiration for the Kardashian clan?

La Descarnada hands down. While La Siguanaba looks to teach unfaithful men the perils of cheating on their significant other, she’s only showing the face of a horse. Everyone knows that fleshy skeleton face is way worse.

La Llorona vs. La Carreta Chillona

Origins & Myths
La Llorona’s roots are in Mexico where it’s said that to spite her cheating husband a woman drowned her children in a river and now carries that sin with her as her ghost wanders about weeping for them. Should she run into a child who resembles her own she takes them to the river where they meet the same fate.

La Carreta Chillona is a Salvadorian ghost story of a priest who moonlighted as a murderer and whose spirit roams about with a chariot made of chains and bones that squeaks and shrills as it makes it’s way through the night. It’s said that anyone who hears his chariot coming is to hide and ignore him for if they lay eyes on this abomination they’re bound to wake up dead.

Threat To…
La Llorona: Children who resemble her offspring. In other words only Latino kids are at risk and it’s because of this some say she supports Donald Trump. Others say she manifested herself during his campaign stop in Nevada this very October. But that’s a myth for another day.
La Carreta Chillona: Everyone living in the greater El Salvador area as that is where it resides.

While La Carreta doesn’t discriminate as far as gender or race, it doesn’t extend beyond the Salvadorian parameters. La Llorona on the other hand is said to travel all over the Central American scene hence making her a greater overall threat across the board… including Nevada.

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