

5 Binge Worthy Shows for New Year’s Day

New Year's Day is a time to nurse hangovers, indulge in leftovers, watch football and binge...baby...binge. With the advent of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime it’s never been easier to ac...

Los Rakas – Aqui y Alla

If you’ve been anxiously awaiting more Latino hip-hop that makes you nod your head yet think twice, you need to know more about Los Rakas. Ricardo Gilliam a/k/a Raka Rich and Abul Dominguez a/k/a Raka Dun are ...

Wise Words of Latino Men

"Respeta tus mayores." While we heard it all the time growing up, many of us probably didn't get the deeper reason why it was important to "respetar" which was code for "listening" to older people that surround...
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